Friday, December 26, 2008

The Remarkable scooter

On Christmas one of my presents was a scoter it was pink my favorite color. Me and my Uncle tom started a huge snowball fight my scoter helped me get around and some times help me from not geting hit. Then of course my step brother Leo comes out and joins in one the fun. I was fun being able to hit my step brother and for the first time not get in troble. But then of course I get hit in the head by my uncle. My scooter is fun and i am learning to do really fun tricks. My favorite one is riding it like a skate bourd. The Holoday was fun and i can not wait to wear all of my new clothing. Talk to everyone soon. 


  1. For the record, Miss Erin:

    1. You were wearing a helmet (due to the scooter ride) and had gloves on. I enjoyed no such luxuries

    2. You're small and quick and ducked into at least one "head" shot.

    So for everyone else, I wasn't pelting my niece in the head. On purpose as least. And I chose soft snow, not that crunchy stuff on top.

    erin -- it was great to spend a couple of days with you. I love you.

    Uncle Tom

  2. Hi Erin,

    What a great blog! You know, I think you should challenge your uncle to a rematch on the snowball fight (aim for his head -- he's old and slow compared to you).

    Merry Christmas, and keep writing!


  3. Hi Erin,
    May I make a snowball fight, put your gloves on first then go for the "yellow" snow...Hit Uncle Tom with that and see how he likes it!

    Glad you enjoyed your Christmas!

  4. You are lucky to have such a wonderful uncle and scooter! : )

    Good luck with the blogging! (I like the fuchsia.)

  5. Erin - Glad to hear you are enjoying the holidays with an old-fashioned snowball fight. Make sure you hit your uncle Tom HARD with a snowball the next time!

    The blog is very cool. Keep up with the writing - it will serve you well!


  6. Hi Erin.

    It sounds like your Uncle Tom is trying to blame YOU for the snowball hitting your head. You had a helmet on and you "ducked into it"? Hmmm.... I agree with Daisy and Kristin. Challenge your Uncle to a rematch and bring out the yellow snow! I also have some litter critters from my cat Zoey that would double nicely as snowballs :-)
