Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

 Merry Christmas! Today is Christmas day i mean it is a day that is ment to open presents and give them. Last night i was an angel at  chrach it was really hard u have to stay in one place for a long amount of time something that i am not very good at. It was fun to see all of my friend and have a fun time.  Lizzie loves her new toy. It is a little shopping cart that she can walk around with. There are little boxes with food names. Lizzie love taking all of the boxes out of the cart but is having a hard time putting them back in. I have my Uncle and Grandma over and Leo is coming over at 10:00. We got a white Christmas after all. Even through it is not snowing there is snow on the ground. So, would that make it a white Christmas? Well, even if it does not snow bring the sprit of Christmas out. Merry Christmas! and have a happy new year! 


  1. Hi Erin, my name is Kristin, I'm a friend of your Uncle Tom. I'm new to this whole Blog thing. I'm impressed you have one of your own! How exciting that you were chosen to be an angel for Christmas, you must be a very special young woman! I live in Georgia, no white Christmas here but lots of Cheer! Hope you enjoy the day with your family. I look forward to keeping up with your blog!
    Merry Christmas!

  2. Hi, Erin!
    Looking forward to your blog! I know you are a great writer!
    Love, BigMaryCool AKA Mommy
